
New Facebook Fan Page for Ferrets Run Wild

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Halloween Internet Only Ferret Food Sale

Don’t be afraid! Check out the internet only ferret food sale at Ferrets Run Wild! Grab your ferret food at http://www.ferretsrunwildbrand.com/category/568936.

 The sale ends on October 31, 2009.

Feed your ferret at http://www.ferretsrunwildbrand.com/category/568936.

Ferrets Run Wild Halloween Food Sale

Ferrets Run Wild Halloween Food Sale


Review of Ferrets As Pets by James Potvin

Review of Ferrets as Pets by James Potvin

I checked out an interesting ferret program titled “Ferrets as Pets” today.

Ferrets as Pets is a guide to keeping ferrets happy and healthy. The program was written by Seth Evans. Seth Evans has written many ferret related articles. He has ferrets himself and wants people to take care of their ferrets the right way.

The Ferrets as Pets program is designed to help your ferret live a happier and healthier life. The program covers many ferret owner concerns such as ferret hazards, ferret behavior patterns, ferret proofing your home and more.

The Ferrets as Pets program has already helped many people. There are many positive testimonials for the product from ferret owners. The testimonials praise the Ferrets as Pets program for helping them with ferret training, ferret care, ferret biting and that the program is easy to use.

In summary, The Ferrets as Pets program is very helpful to ferret owners. Whether you want your ferret to stop biting, learn to use the litter box or just learn about ferret behavior, the program is informative. As the owner of two ferrets myself, this information is great to have. The program also offers some great bonuses for ferret owners. For more information, check out the Ferrets as Pets program!


New Video Channel

Just set up a new Metacafe Video channel at http://www.metacafe.com/channels/JEP68/. Check it out.


Forest and Bandit the Ferrets Go for a Ride

Forest and Bandit had just received a new present from their owner. He had bought a nice new remote controlled car for them to play in. The Subaru had a stereo system that rocked. It had doors and a tailgate that opened with the push of a button. The car had sound effects like a horn that honked, tire squeeling sounds and engine sounds. The engine raced louder as the car went faster. The Subaru was white and large enough to fit both Forest the ferret and Bandit the ferret. The tailgate was decorated with the “cross-country” label and the license plate that read “Bandit2”. This is because the car is named after Bandit the ferret and because two ferrets can ride comfortably together in the car. Forest and Bandit decided to go for a ride at the gravel pit. The Subaru was able to get around on grass. It could also get down the two track gravel road. Forest and Bandit could take it easy since they did not even have to drive the car. James drove the Subaru using the remote control. Forest enjoyed looking out the windows as the Subaru moved across the grass and down the gravel road. Forest saw geese flying and landing. He heard red wing blackbirds tweeting through the window. Bandit was impressed that the Subaru covered ground so fast. He also liked the way the car went over the uneven terrain on the road. Forest and Bandit were cruising down the dirt road in their remote controlled car. The sun was bright and it was a great day for a ride. The engine raced louder as the car sped up. Suddenly a squirrel darted across the road in front of Forest and Bandit’s car! The squirrel was almost the same size as their car. Forest and Bandit watched as the squirrel stopped in the road in front of their car! James turned the car suddenly and the tires squeeled. The Subaru lurched onto the grass on the side of the road. The squirrel turned around and disappeared into the brush. James put the car back on the road and Forest and Bandit resumed their ride. The car turned into part of the old gravel pit. Forest and Bandit watched as their car drove slowly through the crusted sand. They passed small trees that looked large to them from inside the Subaru. Then the car turned around and headed back to the big car to take them home. Bandit and Forest completed their ride in the Subaru at the gravel pit. James opened their doors like a chauffeur with the push of a single button on the remote control. Bandit and Forest felt like movie stars. The ferrets exited the Subaru and stepped onto their green carpet of grass. They would now go back to their cage for food, water and treats. The ferrets looked forward to many more adventures in their Subaru.


Have a ferret? Join the List!

If you have a ferret, the best way to keep up on all the new ferret stuff is to join our list! Not only do you get a free ferret e-book, but also product updates, videos and more! Sign up today on the ferret list!


New book by James E. Potvin, the President of Ferrets Run Wild

Through the Eyes of Dawn Book

Through the Eyes of Dawn Book

James E. Potvin, the president of Ferrets Run Wild, has a new book  that has just been published. The book is titled Through the Eyes of Dawn. Through the Eyes of Dawn is Dawn’s story of her life with us. Dawn has had many adventures and has been the most tolerant dog I have ever known. Dawn has experienced many events in her life so far. The events of Dawn’s life in this book are organized by seasons. Seasons represent the changes and interests of Dawn’s life. Dawn enjoys different activities every season, so this book tells her stories through the seasons. Dawn has been a pet to a young couple, has adjusted from no children to three children all at once (my wife and I have triplet daughters), has lived with three different dogs, has coexisted with a cat, has been there when we built a new house, moved, and remodeled another house, and had made the move from a twenty acre yard in the country to a 2/10 acre yard in a subdivision. Throughout all these changes, Dawn has been consistently the same. Dawn has had many roommates along the way including Ginger, Bear, Maggie, and Oreo. The other pets will be introduced at points where their stories involve Dawn. The other pets will be introduced in the season where they became part of Dawn’s life. This is the story of Dawn’s life as she sees it. The story is told through the eyes of Dawn. Check out the book Through the Eyes of Dawn.


New IGoogle Channel

We just added a new iGoogle channel at http://www.google.com/ig.


Just Added 4 New Ways to Find Out About Ferrets

I just added 4 new ways to learn about ferrets on the Ferrets Run Wild website. There are four new links at the bottom of the page labeled as “Ferret Related Offers”. See all 4 new ferret related offers at www.ferretsrunwildbrand.com.

The 4 Ferret Related Offers are:

1. Find Out About Ferrets at

Find Out About Ferrets

Find Out About Ferrets


2. Ferret Care Interview at

Ferret Care Interview

Ferret Care Interview

3. Ferret Wisdom at

Ferret Wisdom

Ferret Wisdom

4. Ferrets as Pets at

Ferrets as Pets

Ferrets as Pets


New Video and Products at Ferrets Run Wild

Today I have added new products to the Ferrets Run Wild website tat are available nowhere else!

The Adventures of Forest the Ferret Kids Set

The Adventures of Forest the Ferret Kids Set

The Adventures of Forest the Ferret Book, Disc and Stuffed Bear Kids Set.This kids set contains the book The Adventures of Forest the Ferret, the computer disc (which only works on a computer) and the stuffed teddy bear. The book The Adventures of Forest the Ferret contains two stories called Forest’s First Snowfall and Forest’s Cottage.The Adventures of Forest the Ferret disc contains a video of the author reading the book. This is like the author reading directly to the reader. The ferret disc also contains a bonus video of Forest and Bandit the ferrets playing and a bonus video of Bandit the ferret. The plush teddy bear wears a t-shirt with a picture of Forest the ferret. 

See the new products at http://www.ferretsrunwildbrand.com/category/569098

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